1. The role of haplotype complementation and purifying selection in the genome evolution
  2. Modelling the Evolution of Spatially Distributed Populations in the Uniformly Changing Environment - Sympatric Speciation
  3. Modelling survival and allele complementation in the evolution of genomes with polymorphic loci
  4. Influence of a small fraction of individuals with enhanced mutations on a population genetic pool
  5. Evolution of genomes in the hybridogenetic populations modelled by the Penna model
  6. To Understand Nature - Computer Modelling between Genetics and Evolution
  7. Evolution of the Age Structured Populations and Demography
  8. Darwinian purifying selection versus complementing strategy in Monte Carlo simulations
  9. Phase transition in the genome evolution favours non-random distribution of genes on chromosomes
  10. Why Y chromosome is shorter and women live longer?
  11. Phase Transition in Sexual Reproduction and Biological Evolution
  12. Sexual reproduction from the male (men) point of view
  13. Does Sex Induce a Phase Transition?
  14. Gamete recognition and complementary haplotypes in sexual Penna ageing model
  15. Inbreeding and outbreeding depressions in the Penna model as a result of crossover frequency
  16. Modeling gene's length distribution in genomes
  17. Why are diploid genomes widespread and dominant mutations rare?
  18. Extinction in genetic bit-string model with sexual recombination
  19. Monte Carlo simulations of the inside-intron recombination
  20. Does telomere elongation lead to a longer lifespan if cancer is considered?
  21. Scaling effects in the Penna ageing model
  22. Does telomere elongation in cloned organisms lead to a longer lifespan if cancer is considered ?
  23. Altruism and Antagonistic Pleiotropy in Penna Ageing Model
  24. Genetic Paralog Analysis and Simulations
  25. Prediction of the human life expectancy
  26. Information weights of nucleotides in DNA sequences
  27. Correlation between mutation pressure, selection pressure and occurrence of amino acids
  28. Long-Tail Feature of DNA Words Over- and Under-Representation in Coding Sequences
  29. Random deaths in a computational model for age-structured populations
  30. Relations between organisms and the environment in the ageing process

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