Archive conferences


Conferences 2013-2014
  1. Augustyniak D., Bonarowska J., Mackiewicz P., Drulis-Kawa Z. 2013, Antibodies against outer membrane proteins of Moraxella catarrhalis and nontypeable Haemophilus influenza cross-react with various pathogens of human respiratory tract. 15th International Congress of Immunology (ICI) 22-27 August 2013 , Milan, Italy. Front. Immunol. Conference Abstract: doi: 10.3389/conf.fimmu.2013.02.00907

  2. Bielecki M., Mackiewicz P., Śmiga M., Olczak M., Gmiterek A., Olczak T. 2013, Characterization of Porphyromonas gingivalis hmuy homologs from Prevotella intermedia. 5th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS 2013 21-25 July 2013, Leipzig, Germany.

  3. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Wańczyk M., Cebrat S. 2013, Evolution of Bacterial Genome under Changing Mutational Pressure Computer Simulation Studies. BIOSTEC 2013, 6th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Bioinformatics 2013, 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms 11-14 February 2013, Barcelona, Spain. Final Program and Book of Abstracts pp. 33, Proceedings, Papers pp. 272-277

  4. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Grabińska M., Cebrat S. 2013, Computer simulation of prokaryotic genomes evolution under two mutational pressures. The 13th Annual International Conference Bioinformatics 2013 of the Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe and Polish Bioinformatics Society, SocBiN/BIT13 26-29 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 55

  5. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Cebrat S., Grabińska M. 2013, Is the process of mutation introduction optimized in biological systems? 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 11

  6. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Cebrat S., Grabińska M. 2013, On the optimal process of nucleotide substitution. German-Polish Joint Conference on Probability and Mathematical Statistics 6-9 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts and Complete Programme pp. 100-101

  7. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Cebrat S., Wańczyk M. 2013, Using Evolutionary Algorithms in Finding of Optimized Nucleotide Substitution Matrices. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'13 6–10 July 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Conference Program pp. 138; Proceedings, Companion ACM: pp. 41-42

  8. Burdukiewicz M., Spiess A., Schierack P., Rödiger S. 2013, dpcR: an R package for the analysis of digital PCR qPCR & Digital PCR Congress 9-10 September 2013, Lyon, France.

  9. Cebrat S. 2013, Genetyczne konsekwencje zapłodnienia pozaustrojowego Poznaj prawdę o in vitro 23 March 2013, Legnica, Polska.

  10. Cebrat S. 2013, Szanse i zagrożenia leczenia niepłodności okiem genetyka NaProTECHNOLOGY W DIAGNOZOWANIU I LECZENIU NIEPŁODNOŚCI. Szanse, wyzwania efekty. 9 March 2013, Góra św. Anny, Polska.

  11. Cebrat S. 2013, Sympatric speciation and chromosome evolution in the computer simulations. 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 4

  12. Gagat P., Mackiewicz P., Bodył A. 2013, Model for protein import into the photosynthetic organelles of Paulinella chromatophora inferred from bioinformatics analyses. The 13th Annual International Conference Bioinformatics 2013 of the Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe and Polish Bioinformatics Society, SocBiN/BIT13 26-29 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 64

  13. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2013, The role of vesicular trafficking in evolution of primary plastids inferred from bioinformatics analyses 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 24

  14. Grabińska M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2013, Evolution of protein coding sequences in two bacterial genomes under mutational pressure associated with replication. 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 30

  15. Grabińska M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Cebrat S. 2013, Comparison of bacterial genome evolution under real and artificial mutational pressures. The 13th Annual International Conference Bioinformatics 2013 of the Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe and Polish Bioinformatics Society, SocBiN/BIT13 26-29 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 68

  16. Mackiewicz D., de Oliveira P. M., de Oliveira S. M., Cebrat S. 2013, The role of purifying selection in hotspot distributions along human chromosomes. The 13th Annual International Conference Bioinformatics 2013 of the Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe and Polish Bioinformatics Society, SocBiN/BIT13 26-29 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 91

  17. Mackiewicz P., Moszczyński K., Bodył A. 2013, Structural and comparative analysis of the peculiar plastid genome from peridinin dinoflagellate algae. The 13th Annual International Conference Bioinformatics 2013 of the Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe and Polish Bioinformatics Society, SocBiN/BIT13 26-29 June 2013, Toruń, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 90

  18. Posacki P., Cebrat S. 2013, Simulations of evolution of populations with changing mutation rate. 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 57

  19. Rödiger S., Lehmann W., Frömmel U., Böhm A., Nitschke J., Burdukiewicz M., Schröder C., Dangla R., Droniou M., Schierack P. 2013, The Modi Operandi of the VideoScan Platform for the Detection and Analysis of Nucleic Acids Life Science Day 2013, 17. Leibniz Conference of Advanced Science 24 October 2013, Berlin, Germany. Abstract Book pp. 21

  20. Sobczyński M., Mackiewicz P. 2013, Application of self-organizing maps and evolutionary algorithm in studies of amino acid composition of proteins in microorganisms grouped according to different environmental features. 11th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 6th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics 27–29 September 2013, Wrocław, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 58

  21. Sobczyński M., Mackiewicz P. 2013, Analysis of Relationship Between Amino Acid Composition of Proteins and Environmental Features of Microorganisms Using Evolutionary Algorithm and Self-Organizing Maps. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'13 6–10 July 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Conference Program pp. 138; Proceedings, Companion ACM: pp. 45-46

  22. Wójcik E. A., Brzostek A., Bacolla A., Mackiewicz P., Vasquez K. M., Korycka-Machala M., Jaworski A., Dziadek J. 2013, Naprawa podwójnych pęknięć DNA a niestabilności generowane obecnością prostych i odwróconych powtórzeń u Mycobacterium. IV Polski Kongres Genetyki 10-13 września 2013, Poznań, Polska.

  23. Błażej P., Mackiewicz P., Grabińska M. 2014, Multiobjective optimization of mutation accumulation in bacterial genomes. BIO 2014 Congress, 1st Congress of the Polish Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics 9-12 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 61, supplement 1, Abstracts pp. 78

  24. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2014, Signal peptide prediction using hidden Markov models. BIO 2014 Congress, 1st Congress of the Polish Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics 9-12 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 61, supplement 1, Abstracts pp. 74

  25. Burdukiewicz M., Kolenda R., Schierack P. 2014, Prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing, enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli – a systematic review The 4. Joint Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) and the Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 5-8 October 2014, Dresden, Germany.

  26. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2014, Evolution of protein transport systems in primary plastids and Paulinella chromatophores. Plant Molecular Cytogenetics in Genomic and Postgenomic Era 23-24 September 2014, Katowice, Poland. Abstract Book pp. 43

  27. Grabińska M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2014, Searching for mutational matrices in bacterial genomes. BIO 2014 Congress, 1st Congress of the Polish Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics 9-12 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 61, supplement 1, Abstracts pp. 84

  28. Grabińska M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2014, Studies of Mutation Accumulation in Three Codon Positions using Monte Carlo Simulations and Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm. BIOSTEC 2014, 7th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Bioinformatics 2014, 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms 3-6 March 2014, Angers, Loire Valley, France. Final Program and Book of Abstracts, pp.86, Proceedings, Papers pp. 245-252

  29. Kolenda R., Burdukiewicz M., Rödiger S., Schierack P. 2014, Prevalence of F5 fimbriae in Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic and healthy calves since 1976 – a meta-analytical approach The 4. Joint Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) and the Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 5-8 October 2014, Dresden, Germany.

  30. Mackiewicz P., Wiszniowska T., Stefaniak K., Socha P., Nadachowski A. 2014, Wnioskowanie o diecie niedźwiedzia jaskiniowego w oparciu o analizę grubości i struktury szkliwa zębów. 48. Sympozjum Speleologiczne 16-19 październik 2014, Kletno, Polska. Materiały pp. 89-90

  31. Mackiewicz P. 2014, Mono- czy poligeneza? Pramatka i praojciec. Jaki początek? Wiara i rozum o początku człowieka. Inicjatywa Akademicka Fides et ratio, Towarzystwo Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych przy Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym we Wrocławiu 26 marzec.2014, Wrocław, Polska.

  32. Mackiewicz P., Baca M., Popović D., Stankovic A., Stefaniak K., Socha P., Marciszak A., Węgleński P., Nadachowski A. 2014, Znaczenie analiz kopalnego DNA. 48. Sympozjum Speleologiczne 16-19 październik 2014, Kletno, Polska. Materiały pp. 91-92

  33. Mackiewicz P. 2014, Software used in phylogenetic analyses Bioinformatyka – rozwój oferty edukacyjnej Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu 24 January 2014, Wrocław, Poland.

  34. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2014, Badania genetyczne populacji niedźwiedzia jaskiniowego (Ursus spelaeus) z Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. 48. Sympozjum Speleologiczne 16-19 październik 2014, Kletno, Polska. Materiały pp. 105-106

  35. Rödiger S., Burdukiewicz M., Spiess A., Blagodatskikh K., Schierack P. 2014, Statistical methods of comparing digital PCR experiments qPCR & Digital PCR Congress 20-21 October 2014, London, United Kingdom.

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