Archive conferences


Conferences 2015-2016
  1. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P., Rödiger S. 2015, Methods of Comparing Digital PCR Experiments The 7th International qPCR & NGS Symposium 23-27 March 2015, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. Event Proceedings pp. 47-48

  2. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Predicting eukaryotic signal peptides using hidden Markov models. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 45-46

  3. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2015, N-gram analysis of amyloid data German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015 27-30 September 2015, Dortmund, Germany. Poster abstracts PeerJ PrePrints pp. 16

  4. Burdukiewicz M., Hugget J., Clement L., Jacobs B., Clement L., Schierack P., Rödiger S. 2015, The dpcR Package – a Framework for Analysis and Visualization of Digital PCR Experiments The 7th International qPCR & NGS Symposium 23-27 March 2015, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. Event Proceedings pp. 54-55

  5. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P., Rödiger S. 2015, dpcReport -- Mobile-Health analysis framework. Potsdam Days on Bioanalysis 1-2 November 2015, Potsdam, Germany.

  6. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Kotulska M., Mackiewicz P. 2015, biogram: a toolkit for n-gram analysis VII Konwersatorium Chemii Medycznej & VIII Sympozjum Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego 17-19 September 2015, Lublin, Poland. Book of Abstracts: K' pp. 12

  7. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Bioinformatics studies of protein translocons in photosynthetic organelles of the testate amoeba Paulinella chromatophora. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 44

  8. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Origin of plastids - still a challenge for phylogenetics VII Konwersatorium Chemii Medycznej & VIII Sympozjum Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego 17-19 September 2015, Lublin, Poland.

  9. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Protein trafficking in photosynthetic organelles of the armoured amoeba Paulinella Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, SMBE 2015 12-16 July 2015, Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts pp. 459

  10. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Model importu białek do fotosyntetycznych organelli Paulinella chromatophora Technologie informatyczne dla badań i rozwoju. 20 lat Wrocławskiego Centrum Sieciowo-Superkomputerowego 25 czerwiec 2015 , Wrocław, Polska.

  11. Grabińska M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Application of Monte Carlo simulations and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in analysis of mutation accumulation in three codon positions of protein coding sequences. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 48

  12. Kroczak A., Urantówka A. D., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Influence of methods and molecular markers’ selection on inferring phylogenetic relationships in the example of parrots from tribe Arini. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 51

  13. Kroczak A., Urantówka A. D., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Phylogenetic relationships within tribe Arini (parrots, Psittaciformes) based on various methods and molecular markers VII Konwersatorium Chemii Medycznej & VIII Sympozjum Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego 17-19 September 2015, Lublin, Poland.

  14. Mackiewicz D. 2015, Gene evolution in dependence on position on human chromosomes Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, SMBE 2015 12-16 July 2015, Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts pp. 50

  15. Mackiewicz P. 2015, Narzędzia bioinformatyczne w genotypowaniu mikroorganizmów Konferencja – Platforma MultiGenBank, Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej PAN we Wrocławiu 14 grudnia 2015, Wrocław, Polska.

  16. Mackiewicz D., Cebrat S. 2015, Non-random distribution of recombination hotspot motifs in human genome. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 65-66

  17. Nadachowski A., Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Phylogeography of cave bear from Central and Eastern Europe in the light of ancient DNA studies 7th European Congress of Mammalogy 17-21 August 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. Abstracts pp. 107

  18. Nadachowski A., Baca M., Lipecki G., Mackiewicz P., Marciszak A., Popović D., Socha P., Stefaniak K., Wojtal P. 2015, Wpływ zmian klimatycznych w póznym plejstocenie na migracje ssaków w srodkowej Europie. 2. Konferencja Naukowa Zmiany klimatyczne w przeszłości geologicznej, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny, Państwowy Instytut Badawczy 24-25 listopad 2015, Warszawa, Polska. Tom abstraktów konferencyjnych, referaty i postery pp. 64-65

  19. Pawlik K., Mackiewicz P., Tobiasz A., Kozub K., Korzeniowska-Kowal A. 2015, A microbiological module of MultiGenBank database The 6th International Weigl Conference on Microbiology 8–10 July 2015, Gdańsk, Poland. Acta Biochimica Polonica, Supplement 2, 2015, Abstracts pp. 80

  20. Pawlik K., Kotowska M., Korzeniowska-Kowal A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, SynKeD – Synthetic polyKetide Designer, a synthetic biology tool for computer aided designing of new polyketide products The 6th International Weigl Conference on Microbiology 8–10 July 2015, Gdańsk, Poland. Acta Biochimica Polonica, Supplement 2, 2015, Abstracts pp. 79

  21. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Genetic studies of cave bear (Ursus ingressus) populations from Central and Eastern Europe. Polish Evolutionary Conference 24-26 September 2015, Poznań, Polska. Program & Abstracts pp. 68-69

  22. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Genetic diversity and evolution of cave bear from Central and Eastern Europe Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, SMBE 2015 12-16 July 2015, Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts pp. 1046

  23. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Genetic studies of cave bear (Ursus ingressus) populations from Central and Eastern Europe The 21th International Cave Bear Symposium (ICBS), The Netherlands, 2015 10-13 September 2015, Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands. Program & Abstracts pp. 28

  24. Posacki P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Monte Carlo simulations of mammalian sex chromosomes evolution. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 47

  25. Proćków M., Strzała T., Kuźnik-Kowalska E., Proćków J., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Wielometodyczne podejście do identyfikacji Gatunków z rodzaju Trochulus (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) XXXI Krajowe Seminarium Malakologiczne 22-25 wrzesień 2015, Wieliczka, Polska. Problemy współczesnej malakologii - Streszczenia pp. 38-39

  26. Rödiger S., Burdukiewicz M., Spiess A. 2015, Impact of Smoothing on Parameter Estimation in Quantitative DNA Amplification Experiments The 7th International qPCR & NGS Symposium 23-27 March 2015, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. Event Proceedings pp. 31-32

  27. Rödiger S., Burdukiewicz M., Spiess A., Blagodatskikh K., Schierack P. 2015, RKWard: a Software Framework for Analysis of qPCR, dPCR, qIA and Melting Curve Data The 7th International qPCR & NGS Symposium 23-27 March 2015, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. Event Proceedings pp. 55

  28. Rödiger S., Burdukiewicz M. 2015, Reproducible Analysis of DNA Amplification Experiments with an Open Source Software Environment The 67. Joint Conference of the Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 27-30 September 2015, Münster, Germany.

  29. Sobczyk P., Burdukiewicz M., Lauber C., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Quick Permutation Test: feature filtering of n-gram data. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 46-47

  30. Weigel C., Mackiewicz P. 2015, An extended set of oriC predictions for the Cyanobacteria DNA replication, chromosome segregation and cell division, EMBO Conference 27–31 July 2015, Egham, United Kingdom.

  31. Wnętrzak M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Assessing the genetic code optimality using multiobjective optimization approach German Conference on Bioinformatics 2015 27-30 September 2015, Dortmund, Germany. Poster abstracts PeerJ PrePrints pp. 26

  32. Wnętrzak M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Optimality of the canonical genetic code under multiobjective and mutually exclusive criteria. RECOMB 2015, the 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology 12-15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Book of Abstracts pp. 50-51

  33. Wnętrzak M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2015, Genetic code optimality as a multiobjective optimization problem VII Konwersatorium Chemii Medycznej & VIII Sympozjum Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego 17-19 September 2015, Lublin, Poland. Book of Abstracts: P pp. 20

  34. Baca M., Popović D., Stefaniak K., Marciszak A., Urbanowski M., Nadachowski A., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Estimation of cave bear extinction including the youngest specimen confirmed genetically. The 22nd International Cave Bear Symposium 21-25 September 2016, Kletno, Polska. Programme and abstracts pp. 19-20

  35. Baca M., Popović D., Stefaniak K., Marciszak A., Urbanowski M., Nadachowski A., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Datowanie czasu wymarcia niedźwiedzia jaskiniowego uwzględniając najmłodsze szczątki potwierdzone genetycznie sugeruje jego przetrwanie w północnym refugium. Spotkanie Konsorcjum "Centrum Badań nad Fauną Plejstocenu Europy” (CBFPE), Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Paleozoologii 18-19 luty 2016, Wrocław, Polska.

  36. Błażej P., Wnętrzak M., Mackiewicz D., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The influence of selection at the amino acid level on the synonymous codons usage. European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2016 3-7 September 2016, Hague, Netherlands. Abstracts Genomes pp. 9

  37. Błażej P., Wnętrzak M., Mackiewicz D., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Selection at the amino acid level influences the synonymous codons usage bias. The 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society 28-30 September 2016, Białystok, Polska.

  38. Błażej P., Wnętrzak M., Mackiewicz D., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Selection at the amino acid level as one of the forces behind the synonymous codons usage bias. German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB 2016 12-15 September 2016, Berlin, Germany. The Guide to GCB 2016 pp. 193

  39. Błażej P., Wnętrzak M., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The impact of the crossover operator on the results of evolutionary-based algorithms in the problem of the genetic code optimization. BioInformatics in Toruń – BIT16 16-18 June 2016, Toruń, Polska. Book of Abstracts pp. 59

  40. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2016, AmyloGram: n-gram analysis of amyloids. BioInformatics in Toruń – BIT16 16-18 June 2016, Toruń, Polska. Book of Abstracts pp. 24

  41. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Kotulska M., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Biogram: a toolkit for biological n-gram analysis. Innovation Forum Senftenberg 1-2 June 2016, Senftenberg, Germany.

  42. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Prediction of malarial signal peptides. German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB 2016 12-15 September 2016, Berlin, Germany. The Guide to GCB 2016 pp. 270

  43. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P., Rödiger S. 2016, dpcR: web server and R package for analysis of digital PCR experiments. Innovation Forum Senftenberg 1-2 June 2016, Senftenberg, Germany.

  44. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, SignalHsmm: prediction of malarial signal peptides. The 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society 28-30 September 2016, Białystok, Polska.

  45. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Rödiger S., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2016, AmyloGram: a novel predictor of amyloidogenicity. European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2016 3-7 September 2016, Hague, Netherlands. Abstracts Proteins pp. 1

  46. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Rödiger S., Duda-Madej A., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2016, AmyloGram: analysis and prediction of amyloids using n-grams. Congress of the Polish Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics BIO 2016 13–16 September 2016, Wrocław, Polska. Acta Biochimica Polonica, Supplement 2, 2016, Abstracts of the BIO 2016 Congress pp. 164

  47. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Biogram: standardization of biological n-gram analysis in R. The CHARME of standardisation in life sciences 21-22 June 2016, Warsaw, Polska. Abstracts pp. 20-21

  48. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Rödiger S., Duda-Madej A., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2016, Prediction of amyloidogenicity based on the n-gram analysis. German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB 2016 12-15 September 2016, Berlin, Germany. The Guide to GCB 2016 pp. 65-74

  49. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Kotulska M., Mackiewicz P. 2016, N-gram analysis of biological sequences in R. European R Users Meeting eRum 2016 12-14 October 2016, Poznań, Polska. Book of Abstracts pp. 64

  50. Burdukiewicz M., Sobczyk P., Rödiger S., Mackiewicz P., Kotulska M. 2016, AmyloGram: a novel predictor of amyloidogenicity. European Student Council Symposium ESCS 2016 3 September 2016, Hague, Netherlands. Abstracts pp. 7

  51. Doan K., Mackiewicz P., Sandoval-Castellanos E., Stefaniak K., Ridush B., Dalen L., Węgleński P., Stankovic A. 2016, Wpływ zmian klimatycznych i działalności człowieka na ewolucję jeleni w plejstocenie i holocenie z uwzględnieniem nowych szczątków kopalnych z Krymu. Spotkanie Konsorcjum "Centrum Badań nad Fauną Plejstocenu Europy” (CBFPE), Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Paleozoologii 18-19 luty 2016, Wrocław, Polska.

  52. Gagat P., Bodył A., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Import of nuclear-encoded proteins into the photosynthetic organelles of Paulinella chromatophora. The 13th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, ICES 2016 10-16 September 2016, Kyoto, Japan. Program Book pp. 32

  53. Kramer T., Rödiger S., Böhm A., Nitschke J., Burdukiewicz M., Menschikowski M., Lehmann W. 2016, Absolute Quantification of Nucleic Acids on a Planar Droplet Digital PCR Array Innovation Forum Senftenberg 1-2 June 2016, Senftenberg, Germany.

  54. Kuźnik-Kowalska E., Strzała T., Mackiewicz P., Proćków M., Pokryszko B. 2016, Molekularna analiza filogeograficzna Discus perspectivus (Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1818). XXXII Krajowe Seminarium Malakologiczne 13-15 październik 2016 , Spała, Polska. Maltz TK, Kałuski T, Sulikowska-Drozd A (red.) Problemy współczesnej malakologii. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań pp. 42

  55. Mackiewicz D. 2016, The influence of chromosome position on human gene evolution The 5th Polish Congress of Genetics 19-22 September.2016, Łódź, Polska. Program i materiały kongresowe pp. 194

  56. Niedziałkowska M., Stankovic A., Doan K., Stefaniak K., Sykut M., Piotrowska N., Pawełczyk S., Mackiewicz P., Jędrzejewska B. 2016, Zróżnicowanie genetyczne i wybiórczość środowiskowa jelenia szlachetnego (Cervus elaphus) w Europie i Azji w późnym plejstocenie i holocenie. Spotkanie Konsorcjum "Centrum Badań nad Fauną Plejstocenu Europy” (CBFPE), Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Paleozoologii 18-19 luty 2016, Wrocław, Polska.

  57. Pawlik K., Mackiewicz P., Kotowska M., Tobiasz A., Kozub K., Korzeniowska-Kowal A. 2016, Microbiological Resources and Bioinformatic Tools at MultiGenBank Database. Congress of the Polish Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics BIO 2016 13–16 September 2016, Wrocław, Polska. Acta Biochimica Polonica, Supplement 2, 2016, Abstracts of the BIO 2016 Congress pp. 170

  58. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Phylogeography of cave bear (Ursus ingressus) from Central and Eastern Europe based on ancient DNA. The 22nd International Cave Bear Symposium 21-25 September 2016, Kletno, Polska. Programme and abstracts pp. 31-32

  59. Popović D., Baca M., Stefaniak K., Lipecki G., Nadachowski A., Marciszak A., Sabol M., Ridush B., Roblíčková M., Káňa V., Obada T., Stankovic A., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Genetic studies of cave bear (Ursus ingressus) populations from Central and Eastern Europe. Spotkanie Konsorcjum "Centrum Badań nad Fauną Plejstocenu Europy” (CBFPE), Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Paleozoologii 18-19 luty 2016, Wrocław, Polska.

  60. Posacki P., Mackiewicz D., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The influence of sex determination system and faithfulness of pairs on sex chromosome evolution The 5th Polish Congress of Genetics 19-22 September.2016, Łódź, Polska. Program i materiały kongresowe pp. 273

  61. Proćków M., Kuźnik-Kowalska E., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Plastyczność fenotypowa i brak barier rozrodczych między dwoma morfologicznymi formami Trochulus hispidus (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae). XXXII Krajowe Seminarium Malakologiczne 13-15 październik 2016 , Spała, Polska. Maltz TK, Kałuski T, Sulikowska-Drozd A (red.) Problemy współczesnej malakologii. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań pp. 57

  62. Proćków M., Kuźnik-Kowalska E., Proćków J., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Ongoing speciation and gene flow between taxonomically challenging Trochulus species complex (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae). World Congress of Malacology - The 19th International Congress of Unitas Malacologica 18-24 July 2016, Penang, Malaysia.

  63. Proćków M., Kuźnik-Kowalska E., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Climate-related shell variation in Trochulus striolatus (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) and its implications for subspecies taxonomy. World Congress of Malacology - The 19th International Congress of Unitas Malacologica 18-24 July 2016, Penang, Malaysia.

  64. Ratajczak U.Urszula , Stefaniak K., Nadachowski A., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Quaternary bone remains of Saiga sp. from Eurasia. The 22nd Quaternary seminar 24-25 November 2016, Brno, Czech Republic. Kana V, Calabkova G, Ivanov M, Brezina J. (eds.) Abstract book pp. 32

  65. Ratajczak U.Urszula , Shpansky A. V., Malikov D. G., Stefaniak K., Nadachowski A., Ridush B., Wojtal P., Krakhmalnaya T. V., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Quaternary skulls of the saiga from Eastern Europe and Siberia. Saiga borealis versus Saiga tatarica – one species or two? The 3rd Young Natural History Scientists Meeting 2-6 February 2016 , Paris, France. Abstract Book pp. 32-33

  66. Ratajczak U.Urszula , Shpansky A. V., Malikov D. G., Stefaniak K., Nadachowski A., Wojtal P., Ridush B., Krakhmalnaya T. V., Stepanchuk V., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Quateranry skulls of the saiga antelope from Eastern Europe and Siberia: Saiga borealis versus Saiga tatarica – One species or two ? Spotkanie Konsorcjum "Centrum Badań nad Fauną Plejstocenu Europy” (CBFPE), Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Zakład Paleozoologii 18-19 luty 2016, Wrocław, Polska.

  67. Rödiger S., Burdukiewicz M., Schierack P. 2016, R as an Environment for the Reproducible Analysis of DNA European R Users Meeting eRum 2016 12-14 October 2016, Poznań, Polska. Book of Abstracts pp. 65

  68. Schiebel J., Böhm A., Nitschke J., Burdukiewicz M., Weinreich J., Rödiger S., Schierack P. 2016, Investigation of E. coli pathotypes for biofilm formation in association with their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. 68. Joint Conference of the Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 11-14 September 2016, Ulm, Germany.

  69. Wnętrzak M., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The impact of crossover operator on the genetic code optimization performed by Evolutionary Algorithms. European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2016 3-7 September 2016, Hague, Netherlands. Abstracts Data pp. 9

  70. Ziobro J., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The increase in the antigen concentration European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2016 3-7 September 2016, Hague, Netherlands. Abstracts Systems pp. 38

  71. Ziobro J., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The model of immune system dynamics. German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB 2016 12-15 September 2016, Berlin, Germany. The Guide to GCB 2016 pp. 232

  72. Ziobro J., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, Mathematical modelling of immune response. BioInformatics in Toruń – BIT16 16-18 June 2016, Toruń, Polska. Book of Abstracts pp. 61

  73. Ziobro J., Błażej P., Mackiewicz P. 2016, The immune system dynamics - computer simulation studies. The 9th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society 28-30 September 2016, Białystok, Polska.

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